sábado, 3 de marzo de 2012

SHINee haciendo su regreso?

Atención a todos los amantes de SHINeePuede que no tengamos que esperar mucho tiempo para los chicos, para finalmente hacer una reaparición.

Hoy temprano, el rendimiento SMTown director / coreógrafo, Shim Jaewonpublicó la foto de arriba con la leyenda: "Con SHINee Una vez más 'en su página de Facebook.

La foto muestra los pies de los cinco tipos que se supone que son SHINee se alinearon juntos por una pose. Los muchachos han estado muy ocupado promocionando su álbum en Japón, y los fans han estado esperando desde hace bastante tiempo para su regreso con un nuevo álbumCon suerte, esto significa que el tiempo es muy pronto y había rumores de que los chicos se hacen una reaparición de este mes.

Los aficionados están emocionados por esta noticia esperanzadoradiciendo cosas como:"OMGEstoy llorando!! Estoy tan felizEcho de menos SHINee!! "," Mira que en el escenario connuevo álbum pronto :)) "y" LOL ~ bromeando con nosotros eh"

Mientras tanto, a la espera de un pronunciamiento oficial de SM Entertainment, a lo mejor ustedespueden adivinar con las piernas pertenecen aquién?

+ Fuente de la imagen: 


SHINee hinting at a comeback?

Attention all SHINee lovers! We may not have to wait long for the boys to finally make a comeback.
Earlier today, SMTown performance director / choreographer, JaeWon Shim, posted the above picture with the caption, ‘With SHINee Again‘ on his facebook page.
The picture shows the feet of five guys who are assumed to be SHINee themselves lined up together for a pose. The boys have been busy promoting their album in Japan, and the fans have been waiting for quite some time now for their comeback with a brand new album. Hopefully, this means that the time is coming soon and there were certain rumors that the boys would be making a comeback this month.
Fans are ecstatic over this hopeful news, saying things like, “OMG!!! I’m crying!!!! I’m so happy!!! I miss SHINee!!!!!!“, “See them on stage with new album soon :))“, and “LOL~ teasing us huh.
Meanwhile as we wait for an official statement from SM Entertainment, maybe you guys can guess whose legs belong to whom?
Attention all SHINee lovers! We may not have to wait long for the boys to finally make a comeback.
Source + Image: Jae Won Shim’s 
Earlier today, SMTown performance director / choreographer, JaeWon Shim, posted the above picture with the caption, ‘With SHINee Again‘ on his facebook page.
The picture shows the feet of five guys who are assumed to be SHINee themselves lined up together for a pose. The boys have been busy promoting their album in Japan, and the fans have been waiting for quite some time now for their comeback with a brand new album. Hopefully, this means that the time is coming soon and there were certain rumors that the boys would be making a comeback this month.
Fans are ecstatic over this hopeful news, saying things like, “OMG!!! I’m crying!!!! I’m so happy!!! I miss SHINee!!!!!!“, “See them on stage with new album soon :))“, and “LOL~ teasing us huh.
Meanwhile as we wait for an official statement from SM Entertainment, maybe you guys can guess whose legs belong to whom?
Source + Image: Jae Won Shim’s Facebook

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