jueves, 16 de febrero de 2012


Joo Won Can't Look At Uee's Sexy Dance

Los miembros del elenco de "HermanosOjakgyo" apareció en el 16 de febrero episodio de KBS2 de "Happy Together 3". Para el deleite de los miembros masculinos, Uee hizo un baile sexy de una canción de Beyonce. Los participantes estaban activos en las expresiones UEE pasó de sexy y encantadora a la dulce e inocente.

Sin embargo, la co-estrella Joo Won volvió la cabeza durante su baile. Cuando se le preguntó por qué miró hacia otro lado, dijo, "No puedo mirarla. No me gusta ese tipo de cosas (en referencia a su baile). Me gusta la Uee mucho más linda." Y con eso, le confesó sus sentimientos. Con este Yoo Jae Seokr espondió: "Para alguien que no tenga una novia, que realmente mirar por encima de UEE.No creo que es la danza UEE te odio, que no quieren que miremos a ella!" En esta exclamación, todo el mundo se echó a reír.

En el más reciente episodio de "HermanosOjakgyo", apareció la EEU en un vestido de novia que costará 800 millones de won. Pero, tal vez Joo Won sigue dolido por UEE comentario acerca de su cuerpo. O tal vez tiene un poco enamorado de ella. ¿Qué piensa usted?

Joo Won Can't Look At Uee's Sexy Dance

The cast members of "Ojakgyo Brothers" appeared on the February 16 episode of KBS2's "Happy Together 3." To the delight of the male members, Uee did a sexy dance to a Beyonce song. The participants were active as Uee's expressions went from sexy and enchanting to cute and innocent.
However, co-star Joo Won turned his head away during her dance. When asked why he looked away, he said, "I can't look at her. I don't like that type of thing (referring to her dance). I like the cute Uee much more." And with that, he confessed his feelings. To this Yoo Jae Seok replied, "For someone without a girlfriend, you really look over Uee. I don't think it's Uee's dance you hate, you just don't want us to look at her!" At this exclamation, everyone broke into laughter.
In the most recent episode of "Ojakgyo Brothers," Uee appeared in a wedding dress that cost 800 million won. But, maybe Joo Won is still smarting from Uee's comment about his body. Or maybe he has a little crush on her. What do you think?

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